Fiverr Affiliate Program — How I Make $1000 Per Day


Fiverr Affiliate Program — How I Make $1000 Per Day


How to make money with the fiverr
affiliate program let’s get to it what’s 
up everybody my name is David Webb 
sacred procom so how do you make money 
with the fiverr affiliate program now I’m 
an actual fiverr seller and I’m part of 
the fiverr affiliate program and I have 
another video all about like my fiverr
tips from being a seller for the last 
few years and I also in that video cover 
towards maybe like the 10 12-minute mark 
about how I leverage the affiliate 
program as a way to make money with 
fiverr so one little strategy that I do 
is that I take my gig and then I run it 
through the affiliate program so when 
people find my website or a link on one 
of my youtube videos and they click to 
purchase my gig now if they’re a 
first-time buyer and they sign up to 
fire and then they buy anything I get a 
commission so it’s a quick way to like 
make a little bit of money on the back 
end and it’s just a quick way to like 
monetize a website because like hey I’m 
a fiverr seller I’m highly rated people 
can see that I have that authority on 
the topic and then trust and trust me 
basically and now I was just doing like 
some research on like the fiverr 
affiliate program to see like what other 
videos are ranking in I have to say I’m 
pretty disappointed in the YouTube 
algorithm because there’s a lot of like 
low quality videos by people who are not 
fiverr sellers they’re not part of the 
Fiverr affiliate program they don’t make 
any money from Fiverr and they don’t 
make any money from the fiverr affiliate 
program yet they’re making videos on how 
to make one hundred fifty dollars a day 
with fiverr what comes to mind I don’t 
want to call anyone out but like one 
video that really irked me was this 
video by a millionaire mindset this guy 
named Jay and it’s like you don’t make 
any money guy it’s like we why didn’t 
like his advice was like to spam 
basically advice was to jump into the 
YouTube comments and spam comments and 
jump into Facebook groups and spam 
comments it’s like you’re not gonna make 
$150 a day spamming and being annoying 
like you’re just creating content that’s 
kind of hurting people because you’re 
giving bad advice and then you’re going 
to be like annoying content creators 
because I know personally having a 
business oriented channel like this I 
get comments every day from people 
leaving their affiliate links for things 
like blue hose or Fiverr or you know 
their Amazon like audible like all the 
time like it’s like it’s something 
that’s quite annoying but luckily the 
YouTube algorithm is kind of 
sophisticated enough to where if you do 
that you 
can get flagged as spam and I will 
happily happily delete your comment if 
you’re trying to like just be lazy and 
just throw in your affiliate link in the 
comment section so instead I want to 
create a video for the YouTube algorithm 
about how to actually make money from 
the fiver affiliate program from someone 
who actually makes money from the fiver 
affiliate program imagine that I’m not 
just a guy who’s just making things up 
in my head and being like oh yeah 150 
dollars a day yeah yeah I just just 
signup to YouTube and leave comments and 
link to fiber-filled program you’ll 
magically make $150 a day it’s so silly 
all right so with affiliate marketing 
what it really comes down to is it comes 

down to your traffic source an audience 
okay so with the filip marketing in 
general that’s what it that’s what it 
takes to make money with affiliate 
marketing it really comes down to your 
audience and like your traffic source no 
no I keep repeating myself but it’s 
because people need to kind of get that 
in their head because there’s no there’s 
no secret okay it’s like if you have a 
buying audience then it’s easier to make 
money with affiliate marketing for 
example like Hogan Chua has a YouTube 
channel that’s and on a similar topic as 
to my channel and he links to the fiber 
he links to logo designers through the 
fiber affiliate program in his long form 
how to create a website tutorial videos 
why because that converts because in the 
video he’s like recommends hey you 
should check out Fiverr if you want a 
logo and then here’s a link to it and 
that’s that’s providing value because he 
provides a high-quality tutorial and 
then links to Fiverr as appropriate 
instead of what Jay recommends which is 
just to be annoying Facebook in YouTube 
so with affiliate marketing you want to 
figure out you want to develop a traffic 
source and then put relevant offers in 
front of that traffic source so anyways 
let’s jump into my laptop I’m gonna show 
you how to actually make money with the 
fiber affiliate program I can’t promise 
that you’re going to make a hundred 
dollars a day that’s silly but it can be 
something that you can leverage in 
YouTube videos as well as blog content 
so let’s get to it okay welcome to my 
laptop so this is v or affiliates it’s 
found at the URL of affiliates at to find it just google fiber 
affiliates and you’ll find a link to 
this page I’m not going to insult your 
intelligence by walking you through how 
to sign up it’s 
simple process we click the green button 
join now and go follow the on-screen 
process to create an account now I do 
want to mention quickly the Commission 
plan for Fiverr now it does you do get 
paid different amounts depending on what 
people buy now a key thing to know is 
that Fiverr only pays a commission on 
first-time buyers so if someone already 
has a fiver account they click your 
affiliate link they go through and then 
they buy something you get nothing which 
is a really downside at the piper 
affiliate program Fiverr on their end 
their goal with this program is 
basically to get new users and new money 
onto the website that is their entire 
goal and so that should be your goal as 
well when you’re promoting fibers just 
you want to get you want to put relevant 
offers in front of the correct people in 
order to make a commission so while it’s 
nice to have all these different 
commission rates personally it’s it’s 
kind of irrelevant because like you got 
to think about like what is your website 
about what is your YouTube channel about 
Pinterest whatever like how are you 
driving traffic to Fiverr like what is 
relevant for what you’re talking about 
then just create content on that and 
then whatever the Commission is is what 
it is like for example so we have 
something right here we have like 3d 
models and product design like is 
website creative Pro about 3d models is 
it about proofreading and editing Nick 
no so it’s like there’s no point in me 
promoting like that sort of thing I got 
to think about like what is my site 
about that’s why I brought up the Hogan 
example just because like promoting like 
a logo design that makes a lot of sense 
now once you go through the whole 
process and you sign up you are gonna be 
presented with this portal it is a 
little it’s not user friendly and it’s a 
little confusing so the main thing you 
want to pay attention to is you want to 
go to marketing tools and then you want 
to go to all marketing tools okay so 
once you do that then you have a bunch 
of different affiliate links so if we 
click copy click URL alright so now if 
we just take this as an example and see 
where that takes us this is taking us to 
the landing page for the home page find 
the perfect freelance services for your 
business and now we have a call to 
action to sign up so like you got to 
play around with all of these diff 
rent links but the real value of this is 
you want to go here where it says 
default and deep links and now here we 
have dynamic parameters and we have LP 
URL so right here we can put in a custom 
URL on Fiverr and then promote a 
specific page on Fiverr so for example I just did like article writing and then I 
did I found this person word architect 
for example so we want to go up to the 
URL right up top there and you just want 
to highlight the URL structure so we 
want to highlight up to about right here 
now you can highlight this entire thing 
if you want but the rest of this the 
rest of this area is just for like 
fibers only internally used to know like 
how people are like clicking around and 
navigating the site but we just want 
this URL okay and now if I go here and I 
type and I copy and paste this in there 
and now winds up happening is it 
generates a URL an affiliate URL for 
that specific page so if I go here and 
click this and then I go back to we’ll 
just do Firefox again and then see where 
this URL takes me and now it is my 
affiliate link for this page so if 
someone signs up if there are a 
first-time buyer to fiver they click 
this and they sign up to fiber and then 
they buy anything I get that commission 
so whether or not they buy this or they 
buy something else it doesn’t matter and 
I don’t have real control over that 
that’s why I started off with saying 
like don’t worry too much about the 
Commission the goal is just to get 
people on the fiver sign up and then 
have them buy something then it’s kind 
of like luck of the draw a little bit 
now I can tell you that like fiber probe 
people do not pay for five approaches 
because these those gigs are really 
expensive so I wouldn’t worry too much 
now a real-life example is like when 
you’re creating like YouTube videos in 
the link description you can link to 
relevant gigs that relate to the video 
that makes sense or like for example 
I’ll just show you like a box that I’m 
working on right now the six best blog 
writers on Fiverr for SEO articles so 
it’s like why am I writing this because 
people are searching for word blog 
writers people are searching for SEO 
articles people are searching for like 
blog writers SEO articles hire blog 
writers best blog 
best SEO articles that sort of thing so 
it’s like I’m trading content and going 
after like phrases that people are 
actually looking for as a long-term play 
and now so I’ll go through this whole 

piece of content talk about pros and 
cons of each and talk about the 
background of the writer and as well as 
feedback based on actual users and then 
for example like we’ll have word 
architect right there I can go here and 
we can find where it says word architect 
and then I can go up here and I’ll click 
a link boom click a hyperlink yes and 
then open in a new tab save draft in 
there you go so like over time if you 
create content like YouTube videos and 
blog content and you’re going after 
relevant phrases you can eventually 
start getting traffic and then covering 
that traffic to fiber by sending traffic 
to fiber having new users sign up and 
then having them be first-time 
purchasers and then you get a commission 
on the back end so this nonsense about 
making 150 dollars a day with like 
putting links and YouTube videos and 
Facebook it’s not that like it takes 
work but it is possible because of the 
commission structure in fiber does offer 
a very good Commission but the downside 
however is that it is only on first-time 
purchasers so basically that’s basically 
what you want to do so you want to have 
your all marketing tools and you want to 
pay attention to like what URL 
structures are up here and where they 
drop users off and pick the one that you 
like because you can drive people to 
specifically the home page or you can 
use the default and deep links option to 
basically send people to like a specific 
page which is what I do on website 
creative Pro for my own personal gigs so 
if we just open this up and then we 
navigate to services and literally this 
is what I do for my own gig where we 
have this and then this is a link to 
Fiverr through the affiliate program so 
when people sign up if they buy my gig 
and make money if they don’t buy my gig 
but there are first-time first-time user 
to fire and then they end up buying 
something else I still get a commission 
and now how much can you make with this 
it’s all over the place it really 
depends on traffic it depends on how 
many first-time buyers 
like you can get a lot of people who 
click your link and go through but then 
they already have a fiverr account so 
then you don’t get anything so it it 
rant it’s very it randoms variously 
sometimes like I’ll I could like I have 
bouncing eleven dollars so sometimes 
it’s very small sometimes like oh one 
hundred dollars or two hundred hours or 
something like substantial like that it 
really just depends on getting in front 
of the right traffic and having the 
right offer and making sure they are 
first-time buyers alright guys that is 
it for this video if you enjoyed it 
consider subscribing my name is David 
website credit procom I’ll see you next 
video bye bye 


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